See Dina at CABSAT 2024
CABSAT 2024 stands as the premier gathering, drawing more than 18,000 professionals and media markets from across the MEASA region. From engineers and system integrators to broadcasters in digital, content, broadcast, and satellite realms, the entire industry converges.
Our experts will be waiting for you at our partners' stands S1-C20 (Qvest / qibb), S1-G45 (BSS) and 106 (Mediability). Learn about the latest updates in Dina including:
- Enhanced Dina search: now you have the entire newsroom at your fingertips.
- Spaces: collaborate & organize content within Dina using a rich set of widgets such as kanban boards or saved searches.
- Enhanced StoryHub: see how new search & metadata systems have supercharged the StoryHub.
And once again, Dina is nominated for the BroadcastProME Manufacturer Awards!
Book a meeting with our experts
About Dina
Dina is a digital-first story-centric newsroom system with an industry-leading web-based linear rundown system. Dina is disrupting incumbent newsroom systems by offering a solution built for collaboration between all editorial departments with out-of-the-box workflows to support planning and publishing to all platforms. Dina uses AI to make the newsroom more efficient and accurate.
Dina customers are, amongst others, blinx, GB News, TV 2 FYN, TVNZ, and ausbiz. Dina has won several prestigious industry awards since its launch in 2019.